Many times clients ask, besides our hiring decisions, how else and where else we can use assessment feedback?
First and foremost remember:
- Assessments = Information
- Information = Knowledge
- Knowledge = Smarter Hiring and Employee Development Decisions
Here are a few ideas:
- Hiring and Onboarding – Review assessment feedback and use the information to dig deeper during the interview process.
- Tie the behavioral feedback you are receiving in the assessment to real-world work experiences you know this candidate will be facing in this position. Pay attention to their responses.
- Provide the Participant’s Report to your new hire – Once you have decided you are going to move forward with someone, provide their Participant’s Report so that from the start you can discuss performance expectations, areas of strength and areas you would like to see developed.
- Help your new hire (or current employee) develop an action plan around needed/desired behaviors.
- Group Profiles – These Profiles are great for comparing candidates (side by side) when making hiring decisions. What can you live with and what can you live without (behaviorally)?
- Create Group Profiles for your current workforce - who will fit and work well (or complement) whom?
- When assessing current teams, divisions, departments, you can see the group as a whole: strengths, weakness, where conflict might arise and why.
(Think about how those who are “8’s and 9’s” in Order (physical order of a person’s environment) might become frustrated when working with someone who is a lot more “sloppy” with a “1” in Order.)
- Behavioral Assessment creates a solid foundation for coaching, personal, and professional development.
- Behavioral Assessment identifies your current strong players for benchmarking.
- Behavioral Assessment identifies your struggling performers and looks for areas of commonality, which then helps pinpoint where training or development is necessary.
These are all examples of how my clients use the information they have at their fingertips when using Winslow Assessments. If you are using a different assessment, speak to your consultant/vendor to learn what features are available and discover ways to make use of these valuable tools.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to ask!
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Behavior Assessments: Hiring and So Much More
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