A great conference call this morning with Stephen M.R. Covey on the Speed of Trust ....
This is a powerful concept: Trust = Speed = Results. In other words trust is directly tied to the economics of an organization’s performance and desired outcomes. It is not simply a soft concept of personal development but a very real and validated fact that when trust is present in an organization, costs go down....it’s that simple.
Two key enablers/behaviors for building trust
(dependent on your personal strengths and/or weaknesses and the circumstances)
1) Create transparency – openness, honesty, letting people see, truth that can be validated
2) Keep commitments – number 1 builder of trust
• This is what we talked about
• Here’s what I commit to do
• and following up with, Here’s what I have done
To find out about these calls put on by Covey Link and held randomly at no cost, send me an e-mail and I’ll notify you when and where to register....